RCIA (Christian Initiation of Adults)

The Journey of Faith Begins with Questions

What is faith?  How does it grow?  What do Catholics believe & why is it different from other faith traditions? How different is it, really?

Classes for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) are available for anyone who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith.  The process begins with an “Inquiry” period, when questions lead to exploration.

The second phase is the Catechumenate period for those who are interested in becoming fully Catholic.  Classes end in the Mystagogy period, with a focus on how to identify God’s special calling and purpose in your life.

“Evangelization is not an optional add-on. It is the very heart of what it means to be Catholic followers of the Lord.” ~ Maurice Blumberg

Questions? Call Deacon Dave Miller, 660-888-6827 or Dave Joynt, 660-882-0076.