Religious Education

Religious Education

At the heart of catechesis we find, in essence, a Person; the Person of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Growing in Faith

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."

MATTHEW 21:19-20 (NABRE)

Thus, the teaching mission of the Church comes from Christ himself. The responsibility for fulfilling that mandate passes on unchanged to the bishops and to all Catholics.

Within each Catholic diocese, the diocesan bishop is its principal teacher.  He is assisted by clergy, religious, and lay men and women who serve as educators and catechists in Catholic institutions, including elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, seminaries and parishes.

Catechesis is the act of handing on the Word of God intended to inform the faith community and candidates for initiation into the Church about the teachings of Christ transmitted by the Apostles.  It also involves the lifelong effort of forming people into witnesses to Christ and opening their hearts to the spiritual transformation given by the Holy Spirit.

The teaching authority of the Catholic Church, called the Magisterium, lies with all of the bishops who are led by the pope and guided by the Holy Spirit.  The pope and bishops are the authoritative teachers in the Church.

In the Diocese of Jefferson City, there are many opportunities to grow in one's faith. Each parish provides faith formation for children, teenagers and adults. This is often in our schools, Parish Schools of Religion (PSR), Bible studies, and lay movements, such as Cursillo, Marriage Encounter, Teens Encounter Christ and more.

Faith formation in SS Peter and Paul

Our parish offers ministries to members that increase their knowledge of the faith, draw them near to Christ in prayer and worship, and build community among our parishioners.

RCIA (Christian Initiation of Adults)

The Journey of Faith Begins with Questions

What is faith?  How does it grow?  What do Catholics believe & why is it different from other faith traditions? How different is it, really?

Classes for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) are available for anyone who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith.  The process begins with an “Inquiry” period, when questions lead to exploration.

The second phase is the Catechumenate period for those who are interested in becoming fully Catholic.  Classes end in the Mystagogy period, with a focus on how to identify God’s special calling and purpose in your life.

If you’d like to take this journey of faith, or know of someone who might be interested, please call RCIA Director Deacon Dave Miller, 660-888-6827, or the parish office, 660-882-6468.

Formed is an online program run by the Augustine Institute that has many educational, spiritual, and informational tools to help each of us come to understand more about our faith and come to a deeper relationship with God and His people.

The parish pays a yearly fee for this access.  This fee will be a small price to pay if the program is used well.

Some of the sacramental preparation programs we do will use these programs as a supplement or as the main tool.  I have found materials from the Augustine Institute to be solid and accurate.  There are books, audio, movies, and such — appropriate for all ages.

  • Go to the register section of
  • Enter the parish code MR7FGW and your email address.
  • Fill in the other information.
  • A verification email will be sent by Formed to your email address.
  • Verify it and you are good to go.

It is that easy!  The parish does get a report on how many use it.  I know, as pastor, that educational opportunities are important and hard to schedule.  Now, they are as accessible, convenient, and as close as your computer, tablet, or smart phone.  No excuses now.  Let’s make the most of this opportunity!

We have 2 sets of Father Robert Barron’s “Catholicism” available to borrow and watch at your leisure. This program is 10 sessions in length.

The 2nd series from Father Robert Barron, “Catholicism:  The New Evangelization”.   We have 5 sets of  DVDs available.  The program is 5 sessions in length. If you would like to check out a copy of this series to view at your leisure, please contact Theresa at the Parish Office at 660-882-6468 or by email at

Parish Schools of Religion

Parish Schools of Religion (often referred to as “PSR”) provide catechetical instruction to children and youth who attend public schools, so that young people can grow in intimacy with Jesus, be knowledgeable about their faith, and integrate the teachings of the Gospel into their lives. Parish religion programs also prepare young people for the reception of first sacraments.

These programs are often facilitated by parishes with a team of Catechists who serve, pray with and teach children within the parish in a class setting. These Catechists volunteer with the support of the parish religious education standards and procedures.

Parish schools of religion typically consist of weekly classes in religion for Catholic children who do not attend Catholic school. These classes are designed to help parents in their task of teaching their children the Catholic faith.

Parish Schools of Religion at SS Peter and Paul

The Parish School of Religion (PSR) is open to students in grades K-8 who attend any local public schools:  Boonville, Blackwater, Pilot Grove, Prairie Home, Bunceton.

If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Krebs, Director of Religious Education, at 660-882-6468 or by email at