Medjugorie Prayer Group

Medjugorie Prayer Group


SS Peter & Paul’s Medjugorie Prayer Group meets monthly, generally on the first Tuesday of the month.

The group is named after a small village in Bosnia-Hercegovina where the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing and giving messages to the world.  She tells us that God has sent Her to our world, and these years She is spending with us are a time of Grace granted by God.  In Her own words She tells us, “I have come to tell the world that God exists.  He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and peace, you must return to God.”

A central theme of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s message is that we must realize that Satan is real.  He uses us for his own end and purposes.  His main purpose is destruction.  Destruction of love, peace, faith, family, and life.  Just as God gave David five stones with which to defeat Goliath, Our Lady is also giving us Five Stones or Weapons we can use to defeat Satan. They are:

  • Daily Prayer (Of the Rosary)
  • Fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Daily Reading of the Bible
  • Monthly Confession
  • Holy Mass

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