Become a Member

Become a Member

"For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another." - Romans 12:4-5

Welcome to Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church!

We are excited to get to know you and help you grow in your faith.

If you are new to town, we would enjoy meeting you and getting you "plugged in" to our community. Please drop by the parish office to say hello.  (Please click here to view/download our parish registration form.)

The Parish Office is located next door to the Church and is open from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday through Friday.

We look forward to meeting you and hearing about your gifts and talents!

Returning Catholic, or new to the faith?

If you were raised Catholic and have been away from the Church, we are humbled and excited to welcome you back home. Coming back into the faith may be easier, and more natural than you thought! We are looking forward to seeing you at mass and hearing about how we can help you on your walk toward heaven.

If you are interested in RCIA, please see the link below. If you are looking to meet with our Pastor to learn more about the faith, or to schedule a time for Reconciliation, the parish office can assist you in many ways. We invite you to stop by or give us a call today.

To learn more about returning to the faith, please visit the "Catholics Come Home" website.

If you are not yet Catholic but wish to become Catholic, use this information to register.